
Kalong Kapili Vidyapith

কলং কপিলী বিদ্যাপীঠ

Academic Officer


Binita Kakoti

Dear Students and Parents, As the curtain falls on this academic year, let's celebrate together! You've woven a brilliant tapestry with threads of curiosity, creativity, and dedication. Your inquisitive minds ignited classrooms with insightful questions and passionate debates. Your artistic spirit bloomed in captivating projects and performances. And your unwavering commitment saw you through late nights and challenges, always striving for growth. But beyond academic triumphs, we applaud your character. You showed empathy, courage, and resilience. You built bridges of friendship, embraced collaboration, and created a community where everyone felt valued. We, at the Academic Office, are incredibly proud of you. We'll always be here for support and guidance. May your future bloom with endless possibilities! With heartfelt appreciation,

Binita Kakoti
Academic Officer